What a lovable golden retriever she is! Always greeting me at the door wagging her tail like crazy, knocking stuff over on the coffee table. Sleeping on my feet while I'm watching TV. Her head is on my stomach when I sleep.
Then there's the long walks by the lighthouse and in the woods Up North. Watching her chase robins in the park, just being a happy go lucky dog enjoying the fresh air and exercise. Then begging for water and drinking it down by the gallon like a noisy horse.
That all came crashing down today. This afternoon, she fell down a length of stairs and laid there for a few minutes, shaking. Should have known this was going to happen. The last couple of days she just wasn't herself. She wouldn't eat her food nor drink much water. She had become lethargic and lost her enthusiastic spirit, sleeping most of day away. Instead of her usual "dance" at the door, it became a simple walk up and wag. And that would tire her out....She was getting weak...
I thought it was no more than a bad case of a doggie flu and it would pass. I was wrong.
She was not injured by her fall, but it prompted me to get her to the vet. The results were serious. Her red blood cell count was extremely low, which was causing her become weak and dehydrated. Matters became worse, an x-ray revealed a mass on her spleen and liver which could be either cancerous or benign. An ultra sound and/or exploratory surgery could reveal further information. There's a 50/50 chance she'll survive the operation. To be brutally honest, I'm not sure I can afford all this, with car payments and rent to pay... I've got decisions to make here.
Right now, she's at my feet resting comfortably. I'm wondering if these are going to the last of her days... I hope not, I could use a few more years with her...
I am praying for Harley. I know I only met her once. But I could see what a special dog she is. Have Cheri keepme updated. Janette
I sure will Janette and thanks for the prayers!
I was in that same position years ago. I left my "Lady" at the vets and cried all the way home.
Sassa, that's what scares me the most. Having to do that.
I can't tell you what to do, but If It were me, I would just treat him extra special, and when the time comes, and you will know. Lay on the floor with him and hold his head In your hand and put your head next to his and say your goodbye. just hold him and make him know how much you care.
This Is what I did with my Hunter 3years back. Worst day In a very long time, but I had plenty of time to get ready. I say all of this ONLY If you chose to let him go. It Is a very hard decision. He Is of course your best friend.
Thanks for your kind thoughts, Toad. I'm imagining that's the way it's go down. I'm giving it a few days to see if she's gonna got better on her own...
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