Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Day

Here I am, on the edge of 2009, alone with my kid watching The Three Stooges reruns. In retrospect, this is often my loneliest day of the year. Yeah, I have my son, but it's not the same. I often miss the companionship and comrade of friends and family on this day. Somebody to bring in the New Year with. Kinda sucks...

It's been a roller coaster of a ride this year for me. It started off like any other year for me. Basically doing the day by day grind. In March, I got hurt on the job by getting my finger crunched in the press that I was working on. I was put on light duty for awhile until I healed.

Also, In March I met a blogger on Facebook. After spending hours every night chatting online, we developed an attraction for each other. We met on my birthday in June. What followed was the most beautiful relationship I have ever known. I was on cloud nine. We criss-crossed the country seeing each other. We made plans for our future.

All this came crashing down in October when the relationship ended. I fell into a deep depression over my loss. All areas of my life was affected. My job, my son, and myself fell into self neglect. It was a low point in my life. I began to wonder where am I at this point. If it wasn't for some close friends and family I'm not sure where would I'd be now. So. I decided to make some changes.

Starting the beginning next year, I'm going to be going through therapy to put a handle on my emotions and clear my head. After that I'm going be making some major choices in my life. Hopefully I'll find the true happiness that I'm looking for.

You know, it's funny how things change and sometimes they come a full circle.....


HLiza said...

A hard year is now behind us came and left us with so much lessons to learn and so much future to look forward too. Happy new year..may this will be a better year.

drewzepmeister said...

Thanks HLiza, for your words of encouragement!

Anonymous said...