It all started out in 1977/78 with a copy of Kiss "Love Gun." The seed of it what is it today. A twelve year old boy, eyes wide open with wonder to a whole new world. A world of full of music and the mystery behind it. Yep, that's me, the twelve year old. It was the first notes of tunes like "Calling Dr. Love" by Kiss, "Carry On Wayward Son" by Kansas, and "Rock and Me" by Steve Miller Band that got me interested. It changed my life. It became an obsession. I HAD to discover and explore music.
In my younger days, I remember hanging out at a friend's house playing cards, smoking weed, and listening to rock and roll. This guy had a HUGE music collection. This guy had everything! He turned me on to SO much music, it was unbelievable! I said to myself, I'm going to beat this guy in music collecting. Since then, I scoured thrift shops, rummage sales, recorded off friends and the radio, bought albums left and right-anyway I can obtain music.
Since then, I obtained a MASS of music-with some incredible finds! Like the original copy of The Beatles "Second Album" and the Rolling Stones "Let it Bleed" with a poster still in it-for a quarter each! My music collection grew to over 2, 000 different titles. That's eight crates of vinyl, over 400 CD's, a dresser full of cassette tapes (many of them bootlegs) , not to mention computer downloads.... I don't own an I Pod and I can't use it for a medical reason. (to be explained later on this blog)
The funny thing is, I never grew up listening to rock and roll. My folks listened to Oliva Newton-John, John Denver, Marty Robbins, and other country classics. I never really heard the Beatles till I was a teenager!
So what is your music collection like? How did you get started?

I noticed Deep Purple in Rock close to the front. Great album, as are a lot of the others in your collection.
Omg! That's an ocean of albums Drew ! Nice collection really !
Drew: I started collecting music when I was in junior-high-school, almost 40 yrs ago. 3 yrs working in a record store at the Nd of the '70s made my musical tastes even more twisted. Have mayB 500 albums, couple 100 cassettes, 100+ CD's, coupla 100 45's... & there's still stuff I heard when I was growing up that I can't find NEwhere -- not 2nd-hand stores, amazon.com, nowhere. It makes me crazy & that & the great mostly-overlooked stuff I've heard along the way R the reasons I started blogging. Thanx 4 sharing! -- TAD.
I just listen..not collecting much..
Love the collection, Drew! I no longer have my albums or 45's...lol...giving away my age here but what's funny is my kids now collect albums that I listened to years back and still do :) I'm a rock and roll girl and always will be :)
Have a Great Weekend, Drew! I've been away from my blog for a couple weeks on vacation. Time for me to catch up with everyone. I'm glad I found your blog!
Stay Warm this Weekend!
Thanks everybody for your kind comments! This is only a SMALL example of my collection.
The albums featured here are (L to R, T to B)
Head East-Live
Pink Floyd-A Nice Pair
Elvis Presley-Elvis' Golden Records
Traffic-Low Spark of the High Heeled Boys
Black Crowes-Shake Your Money Maker
Robin Trower-Bridge of Sighs
Steppenwolf-For Ladies Only
Emerson, Lake, and Palmer-Brain Salad Surgery
REO Speedwagon-Two
Uriah Heep-Demons and Wizards
Iron Maiden-Piece of Mind
Nazareth-No Mean City
Rolling Stones-Beggar's Banquet
Rush-Fly by Night
Bruce Springsteen-Live 1975-1985
Beatles-Beatles' Second Album
Rolling Stones-Let it Bleed
James Gang-Thirds
Steve Miller Band-Sailor
Molly Hatchet-Flirtin' with Disaster
Jimi Hendrix-Band of Gypsys
Lynyrd Skynyrd-Street Survivors
Who-Odds and Sods
Allman Brothers Band-Brothers and Sisters
Derek and the Dominos-Layla
Jefferson Starship-Spitfire
Grand Funk-Shinin' On
Def Leppard-Hysteria
Yes-Tales from Topographic Oceans
Neil Young-Decade
John Mayall-Bluesbreakers featuring Eric Clapton
Bob Dylan-Greatest Hits
Bad Company-Desolation Angels
Deep Purple-In Rock
Mahavishnu Orchestra-Birds of Fire
Rod Stewart-Every Picture Tells a Story
Steely Dan-Can't Buy Me a Thrill
Janis Joplin-Pearl
Drew: Can I confess an Mbarrassing & rude personal habit of mine that fits in w/ yr post?
NEtime I'm invited in2 some1's home, I ALWAYS check-out their music/CD-collection, or library, or both. Rude as heck, I know. But it's important 2 know what the people U might hang-out w/ like 2 listen-2 & read. U can make important (probably erroneous) judgements about them based on their listening & reading habits. ("What's with all these Ravi Shankar albums...?")
& NEtime I go out w/ a woman, we've GOT 2 talk about music & books sooner or later, C if we have some common ground, or else probably nothing is ever going 2 happen. ("Oh, you say you're REALLY INTO Rap & Debbie Boone....? MayB this isn't going to work out....")
I wonder if NE1 else does this? (MayB this is a topic 4 a new post 4 me, hmmmm....)
NEway, thanx 4 the peek in2 yr listening habits. If NE1 else out there is at all like me, U've saved us all a lotta trouble.... -- TAD.
I forgot to put down Led Zeppelin-In Through the Out Door. Why? It's my favorite band.
Tad-You're not alone my friend, I have done the same thing. Mostly out of curiosity. The woman in my last relationship was a die hard rocker like me. We got along exceptionally well and would listen to music for hours. That is till things get all messed up....
Drew: 4 comedy purposes, I've taken this whole "looking at some1 else's music or book collection & making judgements about them" THING & turned it in2 a LONG blog post about friends, relationships, etc. -- & U R 2 blame 4 all of it, buddy!
Seriously, hope U'll check it out & hava few laffs. Thanx 4 the inspiration & keep rockin.... -- TAD.
Wow, what a great collection! I didn't even know Head East had a live album.
My mom and I's jam while driving is "Never Been Any Reason" :)
I wish I had an extensive vinyl collection. My dad had crates of 'em while in college, but his house flooded and he lost most of them.
I plan to gradually plan up a vinyl collection because I love album cover art. I've got some now... Hotel California, Rumours, a bunch of Stevie Nicks, etc.
Tad-Glad that I was of a help!
Classic Girl-Never Been Any Reason is a great tune!
If you like album artwork, check out Roger Dean's stuff on the Yes albums. Sorry to hear about your Dad's loss of albums. My advise is, check out thrift shops and rummage sales in your area. You'll find something. Good luck!
The first music I personally bought. I was about 10 or 11 years old and I picked up the La Bamba soundtrack on casette after seeing the movie. While I enjoyed the title track and the other Los Lobos covers of Ritchie Valens material, my favorite song on that cassette was Brian Setzer's cover of Eddie Cochran's Summertime Blues.
My earliest memory of music-- I was about 2 or 3 and I used to wander into my sister, Laurie's, bedroom and ask her to play her 8-track of Billy Joel's The Stranger. I'd also pepper her with questions about the cover art ("Why does he look so sad?" "Why is he looking at that mask on the bed?")
Also, around the same time, the 2 oldest of my 3 older brothers had turned the basement into their bedroom. They had a poster of KISS down there that as a 2 or 3 year old kid I was utterly terrified of.
The youngest of my older brothers used to listen to a lot of Chicago, Toto, Billy Joel, Air Supply, Loverboy, J. Geils Band, Asia, Culture Club, and a handful of other early 80s pop music fare. I picked up on Chicago and Toto in particular as I grew older and to this day those 2 are my 2 favorite bands.
Oh and classicrockforthesoul, in addition to Roger Dean's work on Yes albums, also check out his work on Asia albums.
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