A prairie dog at Theodore Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota
A California Rail at the Upper Newport Bay Reserve by Newport Beach, California
Sea Lions off the coast of California at Dana Point
A Ringed Neck Pheasant by a storage shed in Shawano, Wisconsin
A Praying Mantis on a gas pump here in Racine, Wisconsin
A Red Tailed Hawk at River Band Nature Reserve in Racine, Wisconsin
A Striped Skunk on the side of the road near UW-Parkside in Kenosha, Wisconsin
An Opossum wandering in my backyard
A California Rail at the Upper Newport Bay Reserve by Newport Beach, California
Sea Lions off the coast of California at Dana Point
A Ringed Neck Pheasant by a storage shed in Shawano, Wisconsin
A Praying Mantis on a gas pump here in Racine, Wisconsin
A Red Tailed Hawk at River Band Nature Reserve in Racine, Wisconsin
A Striped Skunk on the side of the road near UW-Parkside in Kenosha, Wisconsin
An Opossum wandering in my backyard
These are pretty cool -- I like the seals on the buoy especially. & is that giant rat in the last photo a possum?
Nice work. I used to shoot lotsa photos when I was a reporter, & sometimes I miss it. Do you have more?
Thanks TAD! Yes, that giant rat in my backyard actually was a possum. They're quite common around here.
Yes, I have more pics...
Hi Dude,
Thanks for a great blog. I was able to get the information that I had been looking for. Thanks once again!
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